At my perinatologist appointment last Friday, blood pressure was 120/78, BPP was perfect. No push for an induction at this point. I honestly get the feeling that the perinatologist is slightly annoyed that I am still a patient taking up his time, I am not an interesting case and will need no special procedures to give birth. I mean, I get it. In the medical world, boring cases are, well, boring.
Sunday night I got very sick, vomiting and diarrhea for most of the night. Blood pressure at the OB Monday morning was 130/90, not great but not bad considering I was likely a bit dehydrated despite my best attempt to stay hydrated through the vomiting. NST still looked good and the OB I saw was very reasonable. He moved my due date back to the date of my LMP which essentially buys me 4 more days before I know they will start pushing hard for an induction.
As my due date draws closer, I am excited but increasingly more anxious about going into labor. I am confident I will be able to buy time until 41 weeks, and as long as the baby looks good, my placenta is still functioning optimally, and my blood pressure is stable, I would be fine to continue on past the 41 week mark. However, I cannot say the same for my husband, and I do believe he does have some say. He is pretty easily scared into "well, there's a chance..."
At the end of the day, we both want the same thing, a healthy baby. I just hope she cooperates and decides she's done cooking before the OB team does!
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