I found out in May 2012 that our dreams were coming true, we were pregnant and going to get a sweet baby due January 21, 2013. I have been imagining and planning the kind of pregnancy that I would have for a very long time. After doing a lot of research, reading, and observation, I decided for sure that natural birth would be the absolute best route for me.
This is not a blog about natural birth being better than medicated birth, I obviously feel that it is the right choice for me. This is a blog about trying to achieve a natural birth experience despite being diagnosed with "mild" pre-eclampsia/pregnancy induced hypertension (as of 12/7/12, based on further screening this may change).
Today's health system is inundated with pregnant women who are shuffled in one after the other, treated as though they all have the same preferences and will just blindly accept whatever the assembly line of medical care tells them is next in line. There are little resources available to women who do not want to subject themselves to all the medical interventions that are so widely used today.
For that reason, I wanted to document my experience so it may be helpful to other women possibly going through a similar situation, especially as the rates of pregnancy induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia seem to be on the rise.
**Please do not use this as direct medical advice for your specific situation, rather, a guide of questions to ask and things to fight for to make sure your doctors are hearing you and you are getting the care you deserve.**
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